Crochet Stitches: Single Crochet

Video Transcript:


Greetings All! This video is part of a series on the single crochet stitch. Previously, I showed how to create a foundation single crochet stitch (which combines the chain and first row in one stitch). In this video, I will show you the basic single crochet stitch. Stay tuned for learning the techniques of crocheting in the front loops and back loops and increasing and decreasing. 

[The single crochet is the second shortest crochet stitch, the first being the slip stitch.

In UK patterns, what we refer to in the US as single crochet is called a double crochet. Confusing, yes, I know.]

The Chain

I will begin with the slipknot and basic chain stitch. (If you want a shortcut that combines the chain and your first single crochet row, see the Foundation Single Crochet Video).

I am aiming to create a 4×4 inch swatch of various stitch types. I’ll chain however many stitches are needed to end up with 4 inches across. 

Finished Chain

Okay, so I need 20 chain stitches. For the single crochet stitch, you’ll need 1 more chain than the number of stitches. So, if you need 10 single crochet stitches, you’ll need to chain 11. In this case, I will end up with 19 single crochet stitches.

First Row

To begin the first single crochet row, insert your hook into the second chain from the hook. Yarn Over (YO) and pull up a loop by pulling the yarn through. Yarn Over (YO) and pull through the two loops on the hook. For the next stitch, insert your hook into the next chain, yarn over (YO) and pull up a loop, yarn over (YO), and pull through the remaining loops on the hook. Repeat this all the way across the chain. insert hook, yarn over (YO), pull up a loop, yarn over (YO), and pull through the two remaining loops on the hook.

First Row Complete

Here’s the first row of single crochet stitches. Notice all the V’s on top. From here on out, we are going to crochet under both of the loops that create the V unless your pattern or design calls for crocheting in the Front Loop (FLO) which is here or the Back Loop (BLO) which is here.

Once you’re done with the first row, make sure you count your stitches. Make note of this number to ensure you keep this same stitch count if you’re aiming for straight edges. 

Second Row

The next rows are pretty much the same as the first, but I find them to be a bit easier since you aren’t fiddling with the chain. 

Normally, it is traditional to start your row with a chain and skip the first stitch. I personally do not care for this method as it leaves a gap at the ends of your rows. Another method is to chain 1 and start in the first stitch. That’s my normal go-to method. However, I was browsing through a popular crochet group recently and one of the members stated how she doesn’t start her rows with the beginning chain. So I decided to try it out and somewhat like that technique.

Second Row Start

To begin your next row, turn your work and make sure the yarn is in the back. Insert your hook into the first stitch (under both loops of the V), yarn over, and pull up a loop. Yarn over and pull through the remaining 2 loops on the hook. Make sure you are inserting your hook under both V loops. insert hook, yarn over (YO), pull up a loop, yarn over (YO) and pull through the two remaining loops on the hook. 

Repeat this all the way across the swatch.

Second row complete. Count those stitches. We need to make sure we have the same number of stitches as the previous row as we are not decreasing.

Count to 19. 19 stitches it is.

I’m going to work a few more rows. In the next videos I’ll show you what it’s like to work in the front and back loops with the single crochet stitch.

Okay, so the 5th row is complete. Let’s measure. 5 Rows equals 1 inch. Row 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  See that, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

So this is an example of a regular single crochet stitching into both of the loops of the V.

Thank You

As always, thank you for watching. If this video was helpful, please hit the like button and subscribe if you haven’t already.  We welcome comments and even constructive criticism. If you have any questions or would like to see a video of something specific, please ask and let me know below.

Create a great day! And Happy Hooking!

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